Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

Collaborative Research: Retaining and Engaging Computer Science majors By Solving and Visualizing Algorithmic Problems on Real-world Data Sets: 1726809

EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Retaining and Engaging Computer Science majors By Solving and Visualizing Algorithmic Problems on Real-world Data Sets

Science and Engineering Education for Infrastructure Transformation: 1721054

EHR Award: Science and Engineering Education for Infrastructure Transformation

Developing Augmented Reality Applications for Chemistry Laboratory: 1712086

EHR Award: Developing Augmented Reality Applications for Chemistry Laboratory

Understanding the Implications of Online Learning and Engagement Strategies with Elements of Competition on Women Students’ Engagement and Fit with Computer Science: 1712116

EHR Award: Understanding the Implications of Online Learning and Engagement Strategies with Elements of Competition on Women Students' Engagement and Fit with Computer Science

Interactive Virtual Laboratory: Using Renewable Energy Experiments to Enhance Student Engagement in STEM: 1712146

EHR Award: Interactive Virtual Laboratory: Using Renewable Energy Experiments to Enhance Student Engagement in STEM

Collaborative Research: Optimizing learning from chemistry simulations: Comparing attention allocation and learning outcomes for assignments with and without instructor screencasts: 1705365

EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Optimizing learning from chemistry simulations: Comparing attention allocation and learning outcomes for assignments with and without instructor screencasts

Scaling up an innovative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) learning environment through two partnership models with industry and schools: 1657438

EHR Award: Scaling up an innovative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) learning environment through two partnership models with industry and schools

Collaborative Research: Debugging Failure: Fostering Youth Academic Resilience in Computer Science: 1612770

EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Debugging Failure: Fostering Youth Academic Resilience in Computer Science

Signing Glossaries for Science Exhibits: 1602284

EHR Award: Signing Glossaries for Science Exhibits

Examining the Effects of Retrieval Practice and Spacing on Engineering Students’ Retention of Precalculus Knowledge: 1609290

EHR Award: Examining the Effects of Retrieval Practice and Spacing on Engineering Students' Retention of Precalculus Knowledge

Think Globally, Interact Locally: Advancing Science Learning using Interactive Spherical Displays to Model Global, Physical Systems: 1612485

EHR Award: Think Globally, Interact Locally: Advancing Science Learning using Interactive Spherical Displays to Model Global, Physical Systems

Collaborative Research: Mixing Learning Experiences for Computer Programming Accorss Museums, Classrooms, and the Home Using Computational Music: 1612619

EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Mixing Learning Experiences for Computer Programming Accorss Museums, Classrooms, and the Home Using Computational Music

CAREER: Constructing Modern and Inclusive Trajectories for Computer Science Learning: 1562040

CSE Award: CAREER: Constructing Modern and Inclusive Trajectories for Computer Science Learning