Project Spotlights

CIRCLS Project Spotlights
Project spotlights illuminate a diverse set of projects funded by NSF RETTL and other NSF programs with an emphasis on emerging technologies for teaching and learning. Spotlights provide an opportunity to introduce your project and share some context about your work with the CIRCLS community that they might not otherwise get to learn about. Want us to spotlight your project? Contact CIRCLS to contribute your story.


AI Institute for Engaged Learning

James Lester, North Carolina State University, shares more about his NSF AI Institute for Engaged Learning: EngageAI (#2112635).

iSAT AI Institute

Sidney D’Mello, University of Colorado at Boulder, shares more about his NSF AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming, AI Institute: Institute for Student-AI Teaming (#2019805).

The NSF AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (AI-ALOE)

Christopher Dede shares about the vision for the recently funded NSF AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (ALOE) (NSF Award #2112532).

Exploring Artificial Intelligence-enhanced Electronic Design Process Logs: Empowering High School Engineering Teachers

Roxanne Moore shares more on her newly funded NSF RETTL project, Exploring Artificial Intelligence-enhanced Electronic Design Process Logs: Empowering High School Engineering Teachers (#2119135).

Transformative Computational Models of Narrative to Support Teaching Indigenous Perspectives in K-12 Classrooms

Melissa Tehee and Breanne K. Litts at Utah State University, and Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera at the University of Utah share more on their most recent NSF-funded RETTL project, Transformative Computational Models of Narrative to Support

Technology to Review Online Videos for Education (TROVE)

Claire Christensen, Senior Education Researcher at SRI International, shares more on her most recent NSF-funded project, EAGER: Technology to Review Online Videos for Education (TROVE) (#2139219).

Productive Engagement through Collaborative Action and Sociology (PECAS) Mediator

Alejandra J. Magana, Dominic Kao, Bedrich Benes, and Jennifer Richardson at Purdue University share more on their most recent NSF-funded project, Productive Online Teamwork Engagement Through Intelligent Mediation (#2113991).