Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

Math Matters: Transition from High School to Postsecondary Education: 1109799

EHR Award: Math Matters: Transition from High School to Postsecondary Education

Improving Students’ Professional Communication Skills By Employing an Integrated System of Learning Tools and Methods: 1140134

EHR Award: Improving Students' Professional Communication Skills By Employing an Integrated System of Learning Tools and Methods

Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Cognitive Processes Underlying Clicker Use in STEM Education: 1246588

EHR Award: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Cognitive Processes Underlying Clicker Use in STEM Education

Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment: 1224411

EHR Award: Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment

Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment: 1225742

EHR Award: Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment

Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment: 1225654

EHR Award: Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment

Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment: 1225972

EHR Award: Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment

CAP: Student Travel Support for the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2014): 1445401

CSE Award: CAP: Student Travel Support for the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2014)

Training the next generation of learning scientists: CSCL 2011 workshop support: 1144590

CSE Award: Training the next generation of learning scientists: CSCL 2011 workshop support

INDP: Collaborative Research: Coding for All: Interest-Driven Trajectories to Computational Fluency: 1348911

CSE Award: INDP: Collaborative Research: Coding for All: Interest-Driven Trajectories to Computational Fluency

Imagining the Future of Learning: Systems, People, and Technology: 1132393

CSE Award: Imagining the Future of Learning: Systems, People, and Technology

Using Virtual Humans in 360-degree Immersive Digital Sites to Practice Communication Skills within Complex Spatiotemporal Contexts: 1821852

EHR Award: Using Virtual Humans in 360-degree Immersive Digital Sites to Practice Communication Skills within Complex Spatiotemporal Contexts