Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

EXP: Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Online Course and its Implication on Synergetic Competency: 1623702

CSE Award: EXP: Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Online Course and its Implication on Synergetic Competency

CAREER: Designing a New Nexus: Examining the Social Construction of Electronics and Computing Toolkits to Broaden Participation and Deepen Learning: 1936098

CSE Award: CAREER: Designing a New Nexus: Examining the Social Construction of Electronics and Computing Toolkits to Broaden Participation and Deepen Learning

EXP: Partners in Learning: Building Rapport with a Virtual Peer Tutor: 1523162

CSE Award: EXP: Partners in Learning: Building Rapport with a Virtual Peer Tutor

DIP: Next Generation WeatherBlur: Expanding Non-Hierarchical Online Learning Community Models for Citizen Science: 1530465

CSE Award: DIP: Next Generation WeatherBlur: Expanding Non-Hierarchical Online Learning Community Models for Citizen Science

EAGER: Developing Teaching Assistant Expertise with a Sensor-Based Learning System: 1747997

CSE Award: EAGER: Developing Teaching Assistant Expertise with a Sensor-Based Learning System

DIP: Collaborative Research: CRAFT: An Online Learning Platform for Scaffolding the Crowd Feedback Loop for Design Innovation Education: 1636727

CSE Award: DIP: Collaborative Research: CRAFT: An Online Learning Platform for Scaffolding the Crowd Feedback Loop for Design Innovation Education