CSE Award: Supporting Designers in Learning to Co-create with AI for Complex Computational Design Tasks
Tag Archives: Design-based research (DBR)
Productive Online Teamwork Engagement Through Intelligent Mediation: 2113991
CSE Award: Productive Online Teamwork Engagement Through Intelligent Mediation
Supporting Computational Literacy by Designing a Collaborative Platform at the Intersection of Music and Code: 2119701
CSE Award: Supporting Computational Literacy by Designing a Collaborative Platform at the Intersection of Music and Code
Using AI to Focus Teacher-Student Troubleshooting in Classroom Robotics: 2118883
CSE Award: Using AI to Focus Teacher-Student Troubleshooting in Classroom Robotics
AISL Pathways: The Role of Story in Games to Teach Computer Science Concepts to Middle School Girls: 1421806
EHR Award: AISL Pathways: The Role of Story in Games to Teach Computer Science Concepts to Middle School Girls
Seeing Scientifically: Scaffolding Observation of Complex Visual Phenomena: 1514612
EHR Award: Seeing Scientifically: Scaffolding Observation of Complex Visual Phenomena
Strategies Project-Back to the Earth: 1139657
EHR Award: Strategies Project-Back to the Earth
Design-Basaed Information Technologies Learning Experiences (DITLE): 1433769
EHR Award: Design-Basaed Information Technologies Learning Experiences (DITLE)
In Touch with Molecules: Extending Learning with Cyber-enabled Tangibles: 1108896
EHR Award: In Touch with Molecules: Extending Learning with Cyber-enabled Tangibles
Ready for Robotics: The Missing T and E of STEM in Early Childhood Education: 1118897
EHR Award: Ready for Robotics: The Missing T and E of STEM in Early Childhood Education