Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

Discover, Relate, Engage, Attract, Motivate with Interactive Technologies (DREAM-IT): 1104263

EHR Award: Discover, Relate, Engage, Attract, Motivate with Interactive Technologies (DREAM-IT)

Targeted Infusion Project: Educational Partnership in Climate Change and Sustainability (EPiCCS): 1137478

EHR Award: Targeted Infusion Project: Educational Partnership in Climate Change and Sustainability (EPiCCS)

Engaging Middle School Girls in Computational Electronic Design: 1433838

EHR Award: Engaging Middle School Girls in Computational Electronic Design

Seeing Scientifically: Scaffolding Observation of Complex Visual Phenomena: 1514612

EHR Award: Seeing Scientifically: Scaffolding Observation of Complex Visual Phenomena

Social Presence During Instructor Mediated Synchronous Versus Asynchronous On-Line Course Discussions: A Study of Undergraduate Students with Disabilities Learning Statistics: 1420198

EHR Award: Social Presence During Instructor Mediated Synchronous Versus Asynchronous On-Line Course Discussions: A Study of Undergraduate Students with Disabilities Learning Statistics

Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings across Multiple Postsecondary Sites: 1032033

EHR Award: Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings across Multiple Postsecondary Sites

I-Corps: Lewis Dots 2.0: 1332165

ENG Award: I-Corps: Lewis Dots 2.0

GSE/DIF: Empowering Teachers to Enhance Adolescents’ Motivation for Science (E-TEAMS): Leveraging SciMo Findings for Lasting Classroom Change: 1102925

EHR Award: GSE/DIF: Empowering Teachers to Enhance Adolescents' Motivation for Science (E-TEAMS): Leveraging SciMo Findings for Lasting Classroom Change

Toward Integrated STEM Education: Developing a Research Agenda: 1114829

EHR Award: Toward Integrated STEM Education: Developing a Research Agenda