EHR Award: Interactive Textbook
Interactive Textbook: 1245433

EHR Award: Interactive Textbook
EHR Award: Leveraging Virtual Reality to Connect Learning and Integrate Course Knowledge in the Industrial Engineering Curriculum
EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Expansion, Optimization, and Dissemination of Step-Based Tutoring Software for Linear Circuit Analysis
EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Understanding Context: Propagation and Effectiveness of the Concept Warehouse in Mechanical Engineering at Five Diverse Institutions and Beyond
EHR Award: Science and Engineering Education for Infrastructure Transformation
EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Experiential Process Safety Training for Chemical Engineers
EHR Award: Scaling up an innovative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) learning environment through two partnership models with industry and schools
EHR Award: Learning from Successful Big Data Projects
CSE Award: EAGER: Leveraging Behavioral and Physiological Feedback in the Design of Affect-Sensitive Distance Learning
ENG Award: Immersive virtual learning for worker-robot teamwork on construction sites