Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

Support for Doctoral Students from U.S. Universities to Attend AIED 2017 and/or EDM 2017: 1741706

CSE Award: Support for Doctoral Students from U.S. Universities to Attend AIED 2017 and/or EDM 2017

EXP: Linking Complex Systems: Promoting Reasoning within and Across Interconnected Complex Systems: 1629526

CSE Award: EXP: Linking Complex Systems: Promoting Reasoning within and Across Interconnected Complex Systems

The cognitive and neural mechanisms of computer programming in young children: storytelling or solving puzzles?: 1744809

CSE Award: The cognitive and neural mechanisms of computer programming in young children: storytelling or solving puzzles?

Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners: 1821833

CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners

Synthesis and design workshop: Designing STEM learning environments for individuals with disabilities: 1824540

EHR Award: Synthesis and design workshop: Designing STEM learning environments for individuals with disabilities

EXP: Tenacity: Self-Regulation of Attention and Its Relationship with Learning: 1828801

CSE Award: EXP: Tenacity: Self-Regulation of Attention and Its Relationship with Learning

EXP: Readily Available Learning Experiences: Turning the Entire Web into Progressive Examples to Bridge Conceptual Knowledge Gaps for Novice Web Developers: 1735977

CSE Award: EXP: Readily Available Learning Experiences: Turning the Entire Web into Progressive Examples to Bridge Conceptual Knowledge Gaps for Novice Web Developers

EAGER: Towards Knowledge Curation and Community Building within a Postdigital Textbook: 1451431

CSE Award: EAGER: Towards Knowledge Curation and Community Building within a Postdigital Textbook

Support for Doctoral Students to Attend the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019): 1933066

CSE Award: Support for Doctoral Students to Attend the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019)

EXP: Collaborative Research: Extracting Salient Scenarios from Interaction Logs (ESSIL): 1623094

CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Extracting Salient Scenarios from Interaction Logs (ESSIL)

EXP: Collaborative Research: Cultivating Apprenticeship Learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Using Mixed Reality: 1735804

CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Cultivating Apprenticeship Learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Using Mixed Reality