Brokering Tool

magnifying glass iconLearn more about the range of research taking place at the intersection of computing and learning sciences with our Brokering Tool. Use this tool to find projects of interest, seek out additional expertise in an area, or identify potential collaborators. You can search for projects by keyword, specific project tag, or general category.

EAGER: Teaching Computational Thinking through Programming Wearable Devices as Finite State Machines: 1647023

CSE Award: EAGER: Teaching Computational Thinking through Programming Wearable Devices as Finite State Machines

CAP: Building Capacity for New Genre of Learning on the Move (LoM): 1647242

CSE Award: CAP: Building Capacity for New Genre of Learning on the Move (LoM)

NetStat: EAGER: A Representation and Communication Infrastructure for Classroom Collaboration in Data Modeling and Statistics: 1652372

CSE Award: NetStat: EAGER: A Representation and Communication Infrastructure for Classroom Collaboration in Data Modeling and Statistics

EXP: Linguistic Analysis and a Hybrid Human-Automatic Coach for Improving Math Identity: 1623730

CSE Award: EXP: Linguistic Analysis and a Hybrid Human-Automatic Coach for Improving Math Identity

Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking: 1559756

CSE Award: Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking

EXP: Modeling Perceptual Fluency with Visual Representations in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Undergraduate Chemistry: 1623605

CSE Award: EXP: Modeling Perceptual Fluency with Visual Representations in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Undergraduate Chemistry

Track 2: CS10K: BJC-STARS: Scaling CS Principles through STARS community & leadership development: 1542922

CSE Award: Track 2: CS10K: BJC-STARS: Scaling CS Principles through STARS community & leadership development

EAGER: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Eye: Empowering Learning through Remote Visualizations using Unmanned Aerial Systems: 1550833

CSE Award: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Eye: Empowering Learning through Remote Visualizations using Unmanned Aerial Systems

EXP: Learning Parallel Programming Concepts Through an Adaptive Game: 1523116

CSE Award: EXP: Learning Parallel Programming Concepts Through an Adaptive Game

EAGER: Collaborative Research: Virtual STEM Buddies for Personalized Learning Experiences in Free Choice Informal Learning Settings: 1513432

CSE Award: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Virtual STEM Buddies for Personalized Learning Experiences in Free Choice Informal Learning Settings

EXP: Understanding Computational Thinking Process and Practices in Open-Ended Programming Environments: 1522990

CSE Award: EXP: Understanding Computational Thinking Process and Practices in Open-Ended Programming Environments

EXP: Teaching Bias Mitigation through Training Games with Application in Credibility Attribution: 1523083

CSE Award: EXP: Teaching Bias Mitigation through Training Games with Application in Credibility Attribution

CAP: Building a Cyberlearning Research Program – An Early Career Symposium: 1449156

CSE Award: CAP: Building a Cyberlearning Research Program - An Early Career Symposium

EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching: 1441291

CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching

EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching: 1441331

CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching

DIP: Extending CTSiM: An Adaptive Computational Thinking Environment for Learning Science through Modeling and Simulation in Middle School Classrooms: 1441542

CSE Award: DIP: Extending CTSiM: An Adaptive Computational Thinking Environment for Learning Science through Modeling and Simulation in Middle School Classrooms