CSE Award: EXP: GeoGames – online map games for teaching and learning through a real-world spatial perspective
EXP: GeoGames – online map games for teaching and learning through a real-world spatial perspective: 1320259

CSE Award: EXP: GeoGames – online map games for teaching and learning through a real-world spatial perspective
CSE Award: EXP: To Enact, To Tell, To Write: A Bridge to Expressive Writing through Digital Enactment
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: CSL-MultiAD: Assessing Collaborative STEM Learning through Rich Information Flow based on Multi-Sensor Audio Diarization
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Automatic Text-Simplification and Reading-Assistance to Support Self-Directed Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computing Workers
CSE Award: CAP: AccessCyberlearning
CSE Award: DIP: Teaching Writing and Argumentation with AI-Supported Diagramming and Peer Review
CSE Award: EXP: Enabling Pedagogical Communication Between Learning and Programming Environments
CSE Award: EXP: Developing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math ( STEM) Identities through Participation in Science-Infused Media and Virtual Peer Networks
CSE Award: CAP: Building Cybelearning Research Programs: An Early Career Workshop
CSE Award: CAP: ICLS 2016: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners — Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshops