CSE Award: CAP: Data Science, Learning and Youth: Connecting Research and Creating Frameworks
Tag Archives: Workshop
Workshop for Building a Network for Early Career Scholars of Games and Learning: 1621101
CSE Award: Workshop for Building a Network for Early Career Scholars of Games and Learning
CAP: Building Partnerships for Education and Speech Research: 1550800
CSE Award: CAP: Building Partnerships for Education and Speech Research
CAP: Data Science, Learning and Youth: Connecting Research and Creating Frameworks: 1541676
CSE Award: CAP: Data Science, Learning and Youth: Connecting Research and Creating Frameworks
CAP: Building a Cyberlearning Research Program – An Early Career Symposium: 1449156
CSE Award: CAP: Building a Cyberlearning Research Program – An Early Career Symposium
CAP: Towards Inclusive Design of Serious Games for Learning: 1450877
CSE Award: CAP: Towards Inclusive Design of Serious Games for Learning
CAP: CSCL 2015 Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshop: 1441128
CSE Award: CAP: CSCL 2015 Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshop
CSCL 2013: Learning across Levels of Space, Time, and Scale Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshops: 1331135
CSE Award: CSCL 2013: Learning across Levels of Space, Time, and Scale Doctoral Consortium and Early Career Workshops
CAP: Partnerships for Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Literacies: 1321663
CSE Award: CAP: Partnerships for Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Literacies
Workshop: Improving capacity for game-based research to scale: 1258679
EHR Award: Workshop: Improving capacity for game-based research to scale