CSE Award: EXP: Macro Data for Micro Learning: Developing FUN! for Automated Assessment of Computational Thinking in Scratch
EXP: Macro Data for Micro Learning: Developing FUN! for Automated Assessment of Computational Thinking in Scratch: 1319938

CSE Award: EXP: Macro Data for Micro Learning: Developing FUN! for Automated Assessment of Computational Thinking in Scratch
CSE Award: Doctoral Consortium for the 2016 Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference
CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Fostering Ecologies of Online Learners through Technology Augmented Human Facilitation
CSE Award: CAP: Advancing Technology and Practice for Learning Reading and Writing Skills in Secondary Science Education
CSE Award: EAGER: Cyberlearning: Towards Virtual Worlds that Afford Knowledge Integration Across Project Challenges and Disciplines
EHR Award: Synthesis and Design Workshop: Weaving the Fabric of Adaptive STEM Learning Environments Across Domains and Settings
CSE Award: DIP: Digital Studios for Social Innovation Networks
CSE Award: INT: Collaborative Research: Detecting, Predicting and Remediating Student Affect and Grit Using Computer Vision
CSE Award: CAREER: Wearable Tutors in the Embodied Mathematics Classroom
CSE Award: RAPID: Collaborative Research: Learning about Infectious Diseases through Online Participation in a Virtual Epidemic