SBE Award: BCC-SBE/EHR: Developing Community & Capacity to Measure Noncognitive Factors in Digital Learning Environments
BCC-SBE/EHR: Developing Community & Capacity to Measure Noncognitive Factors in Digital Learning Environments: 1338487

SBE Award: BCC-SBE/EHR: Developing Community & Capacity to Measure Noncognitive Factors in Digital Learning Environments
CSE Award: DIP: Collaborative Research: Taking Hands-on Experimentation to the Cloud: Comparing Physical and Virtual Models in Biology on a Massive Scale
CSE Award: EXP: Learning Lens: An Evidence-Centered Tool for 21st Century Assessment
CSE Award: EXP: Digital Lofts: Online Learning Environments for Real-World Innovation
EHR Award: Badge-Based STEM Assessment: Current Terrain and the Road Ahead
CSE Award: EAGER: Automatic Classification of Programming Difficulties by Mining Programming Events
CSE Award: EAGER: Promoting algebra learning through an accessible expression system for students with visual impairments and blindness
SBE Award: INSPIRE: Kreyol-based Cyberlearning for a New Perspective on the Teaching of STEM in local Languages
CSE Award: DIP: Using dynamic formative assessment models to enhance learning of the experimental process in biology
CSE Award: EXP: Implementing a Workflow Visualization System for Design-Based Research