CSE Award: CAP: Building Cybelearning Research Programs: An Early Career Workshop
CAP: Building Cybelearning Research Programs: An Early Career Workshop: 1619898

CSE Award: CAP: Building Cybelearning Research Programs: An Early Career Workshop
CSE Award: DIP: ScienceKit for ScienceEverywhere – A Seamless Scientizing Ecosystem for Raising Scientifically-Minded Children
CSE Award: DIP: Developing Frameworks, Tools and Social Practices to Support Effective Instructor use of Online Social Learning Networks in Blended Learning Models
EHR Award: FW-HTF: The future of classroom work: Automated Teaching Assistants
CSE Award: Advancing the Use of Automated Dialogue Systems for Teaching Communication and Interpersonal Skills
CSE Award: Computer-Based Social Interactions to Facilitate Language Learning
CSE Award: Cyberlearning: Sensei: High-Fidelity, Non-Invasive Classroom Sensing for Professional Development