EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Developing and Assessing Effective Cyberlearning within the STEMWiki Hyperlibrary
Tag Archives: Other
Collaborative Research: Faculty as Change Agents: Transforming Geoscience Education in Two-year Colleges: 1524623
EHR Award: Collaborative Research: Faculty as Change Agents: Transforming Geoscience Education in Two-year Colleges
Learning to See, Seeing to Learn: A Sociotechnical System Supporting Taxonomic Identification Activities in Volunteer-Based Water Quality Biomonitoring: 1516149
EHR Award: Learning to See, Seeing to Learn: A Sociotechnical System Supporting Taxonomic Identification Activities in Volunteer-Based Water Quality Biomonitoring
Collaborative Research: An impact study to examine the efficacy of a mathematics professional development program for elementary teachers: 1513104
EHR Award: Collaborative Research: An impact study to examine the efficacy of a mathematics professional development program for elementary teachers
Collaborative Research: Teaching Human Motion Tasks at Population Scale: 1822819
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Teaching Human Motion Tasks at Population Scale
Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking: 1559756
CSE Award: Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking
EXP: Understanding Computational Thinking Process and Practices in Open-Ended Programming Environments: 1522990
CSE Award: EXP: Understanding Computational Thinking Process and Practices in Open-Ended Programming Environments
EAGER: TAEMILE: Towards Automating Experience Management in Interactive Learning Environments: 1349082
CSE Award: EAGER: TAEMILE: Towards Automating Experience Management in Interactive Learning Environments
BCC-SBE/EHR: Developing Community & Capacity to Measure Noncognitive Factors in Digital Learning Environments: 1338487
SBE Award: BCC-SBE/EHR: Developing Community & Capacity to Measure Noncognitive Factors in Digital Learning Environments
EXP: Local Ground: A Contextually Grounded Approach for Learning Data Science Skills: 1319849
CSE Award: EXP: Local Ground: A Contextually Grounded Approach for Learning Data Science Skills