CSE Award: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Automated Instruction Assistant for Argumentative Essays
Tag Archives: Machine learning
CAP: The Seventh Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-17): 1650295
CSE Award: CAP: The Seventh Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-17)
Collaborative Research: Automatic Text-Simplification and Reading-Assistance to Support Self-Directed Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computing Workers: 1822754
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Automatic Text-Simplification and Reading-Assistance to Support Self-Directed Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computing Workers
EXP: Development of Human Language Technologies to Improve Disciplinary Writing and Learning through Self-Regulated Revising: 1735752
CSE Award: EXP: Development of Human Language Technologies to Improve Disciplinary Writing and Learning through Self-Regulated Revising
Synthesis and Design Workshop: Weaving the Fabric of Adaptive STEM Learning Environments Across Domains and Settings: 1825070
EHR Award: Synthesis and Design Workshop: Weaving the Fabric of Adaptive STEM Learning Environments Across Domains and Settings
Putting Teachers in the Driver’s Seat: Using Machine Learning to Personalize Interactions with Students (DRIVER-SEAT): 1822830
CSE Award: Putting Teachers in the Driver’s Seat: Using Machine Learning to Personalize Interactions with Students (DRIVER-SEAT)
Exploring Social Learning in Collaborative Augmented Reality with Virtual Agents as Learning Companions: 1917994
CSE Award: Exploring Social Learning in Collaborative Augmented Reality with Virtual Agents as Learning Companions
Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners: 1821833
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners
Support for Doctoral Students to Attend the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019): 1933066
CSE Award: Support for Doctoral Students to Attend the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019)
EXP: Collaborative Research: Cultivating Apprenticeship Learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Using Mixed Reality: 1735878
CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Cultivating Apprenticeship Learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Using Mixed Reality