CSE Award: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Virtual STEM Buddies for Personalized Learning Experiences in Free Choice Informal Learning Settings
Tag Archives: Embodied learning and cognition
Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking: 1344228
CSE Award: Virtual Environment Interactions: Exploring Grounded Embodied Pedagogy in Support of Computational Thinking
DIP: Collaborative Research: Taking Hands-on Experimentation to the Cloud: Comparing Physical and Virtual Models in Biology on a Massive Scale: 1324753
CSE Award: DIP: Collaborative Research: Taking Hands-on Experimentation to the Cloud: Comparing Physical and Virtual Models in Biology on a Massive Scale
CAP: Partnerships for Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Literacies: 1321663
CSE Award: CAP: Partnerships for Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Literacies
EAGER: Promoting algebra learning through an accessible expression system for students with visual impairments and blindness: 1258446
CSE Award: EAGER: Promoting algebra learning through an accessible expression system for students with visual impairments and blindness
EXP: Mobile, Movement, and Math: 1217093
CSE Award: EXP: Mobile, Movement, and Math
EXP: Transforming High School Science via Remote Online Labs: 1216389
CSE Award: EXP: Transforming High School Science via Remote Online Labs
EXP: Collaborative Research: Using Smartphone-Based Participatory Simulations to Engage Children in Scientific Thinking: 1123965
CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Using Smartphone-Based Participatory Simulations to Engage Children in Scientific Thinking
DIP: Collaborative Research: Interactive Science Through Technology Enhanced Play (iSTEP): 1628918
CSE Award: DIP: Collaborative Research: Interactive Science Through Technology Enhanced Play (iSTEP)
DIP: Collaborative Research: Interactive Science Through Technology Enhanced Play (iSTEP): 1855048
CSE Award: DIP: Collaborative Research: Interactive Science Through Technology Enhanced Play (iSTEP)