CSE Award: Connections of Earth and Sky with Augmented Reality (CEASAR): Transforming Collaborative Learning Practices with Shared and Embedded Digital Models
Tag Archives: Collaborative and/or participatory learning
Implementing and Evaluating I-Corps Training: 1724482
ENG Award: Implementing and Evaluating I-Corps Training
NetStat: EAGER: A Representation and Communication Infrastructure for Classroom Collaboration in Data Modeling and Statistics: 1652372
CSE Award: NetStat: EAGER: A Representation and Communication Infrastructure for Classroom Collaboration in Data Modeling and Statistics
Closing Gaps: Connecting Assessment and Culture to Increase Achievement: 1626939
EHR Award: Closing Gaps: Connecting Assessment and Culture to Increase Achievement
EXP: Agile Research Studios: Scaling Cognitive Apprenticeship to Advance Undergraduate and Graduate Research Training in STEM: 1623635
CSE Award: EXP: Agile Research Studios: Scaling Cognitive Apprenticeship to Advance Undergraduate and Graduate Research Training in STEM
EXP: Helping Teachers Help Their Students: Teachers’ Use of Intelligent Tutoring Software Analytics to Improve Student Learning: 1530726
CSE Award: EXP: Helping Teachers Help Their Students: Teachers’ Use of Intelligent Tutoring Software Analytics to Improve Student Learning
EAGER: WeatherBlur: 1451315
CSE Award: EAGER: WeatherBlur
EAGER: Using Crowdsourced Virtual Students to Create Intelligent Tutors: 1352207
CSE Award: EAGER: Using Crowdsourced Virtual Students to Create Intelligent Tutors
EXP: Fostering Collaborative Drawing and Problem Solving through Digital Sketch and Touch: 1441149
CSE Award: EXP: Fostering Collaborative Drawing and Problem Solving through Digital Sketch and Touch
BCC-EHR: Learning Games Playdata Consortium (PDC): A Consortium for Digital Analytics and Techniques for Assessment with Learning Games: 1338508
SBE Award: BCC-EHR: Learning Games Playdata Consortium (PDC): A Consortium for Digital Analytics and Techniques for Assessment with Learning Games