CSE Award: Technology Facilitated Training for Mental Health Counseling
Tag Archives: Adaptive/Personalized learning and intelligent tutors
Exploring Social Learning in Collaborative Augmented Reality with Virtual Agents as Learning Companions: 1917994
CSE Award: Exploring Social Learning in Collaborative Augmented Reality with Virtual Agents as Learning Companions
Teachers are the Learners: Providing Automated Feedback on Classroom Inter-Personal Dynamics: 1822768
CSE Award: Teachers are the Learners: Providing Automated Feedback on Classroom Inter-Personal Dynamics
EAGER: Towards Knowledge Curation and Community Building within a Postdigital Textbook: 1451431
CSE Award: EAGER: Towards Knowledge Curation and Community Building within a Postdigital Textbook
Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners: 1821894
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners
EXP: Collaborative Research: Gesture Enhancement of Virtual Agent Mathematics Tutors: 1320029
CSE Award: EXP: Collaborative Research: Gesture Enhancement of Virtual Agent Mathematics Tutors
Collaborative Research: Open Player and Community Modeling as a Learning Tool: 1917855
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Open Player and Community Modeling as a Learning Tool
EXP: Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Online Course and its Implication on Synergetic Competency: 1623702
CSE Award: EXP: Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Online Course and its Implication on Synergetic Competency
Collaborative Research: Human-Technology Partnership Supporting Career Path Exploration and Navigation: 1822831
CSE Award: Collaborative Research: Human-Technology Partnership Supporting Career Path Exploration and Navigation
EXP: Automatically Synthesizing Valid, Personalized, Formative Assessments of CS1 Concepts: 1735123
CSE Award: EXP: Automatically Synthesizing Valid, Personalized, Formative Assessments of CS1 Concepts